In the world everybody want to money become rich man. Maximum people failure reach the target. Always people find how to faster way make money. Some people reach the target make money from the Forex Trading Market ( Currencies Trading Market ). Forex Trading Market the best Auto trading market in the world. Forex trading market can earn money faster way and loss money also faster way. So you must know about the Forex Market all criteria than invest the Forex Market and make profit.
New Forex trader must know below things -
* What is Forex Trading Market?* Which currency can you trade?
* What is Forex Quotes?
* What is Pip?
* How to Profit & Loss Calculation?
* Which trading platform you use?
* Which broker you open account?
* Practise account open the best broker house_
* Everyday practise 2/3 hours
* Learn about the trading platform operating.
* New trader best platform Meta-trader 4
* Learn the trading indicator
* Always remember Candlesticker is the real Indicator, other all indicator leading &
legging indicator
* Learn about the Forex Technique
* Learn about Fundamental the daily market
Everyday practise 2/3 hours and confidence come than open Live Account after that you can make profit.
Create Live Account
Create Live Account
* Transfer your fund
* Receive your fund broker house after give you MT4 ID & Password.
* Start the Real trading
* Make profit
* Wiithdrawal your money and enjoy your life.